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Tenancy Forms

The more detail you give on the application, the better your chances!
Rental Application
Fill this out and bring to 81 Cowichan Lake Road. You can also fax it to 250-749-6002.

Tenant Applications can be picked up at 



PO Box 329, 81 Cowichan Lake Rd
Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0
Phone 250-749-6000
Fax 250-749-6002

What do we think makes you a good tenant?

  1. You make paying your rent a priority above all else. You pay the complete amount and you pay it on time.  No excuses.
  2. You tell the owner (or Management Company) when you see a problem. Small problems can be fixed easily. A leaking pipe can be a five-minute fix with a pipe wrench or an extensive renovation when left to fester.
  3. You believe in honesty. You take pride in your word and expect those around you to be honest as well.
  4. You are clean. You keep things tidy and do not bring an excess amount of stuff on to the property.
  5. You provide solid, current contact information. If your contact information changes, you are quick to update this information.
  6. You don’t let extra people move in with you. You know the difference between having someone visit you and having someone live with you.
  7. You provide and maintain a good credit rating and provide appropriate references.
  8. You are respectful. Respectful of yourself, in your relationships and with the property.
  9. You are aware that for some people, a rental unit is the only way they have to make their own ends meet.  When you default, it can have huge repercussions on the owner.
  10. You come prepared with questions of your own. You ask questions about who to contact in case of an emergencies, you have ‘what if’ scenarios to ask about.